Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Favorites (8-2)

A few favorites from the past week:

1) Wild Roots trail mix:
Henry LOVES this stuff. LOVES it. Last night, we were at Costco (see pic below) and he was having a tantrum 17 of 20 (all at the store) and then he spotted this trail mix and reached for it and would not stop yammering until I opened it up and he started shoving it in his face. The best part is - he'll put the nuts in his mouth but he won't swallow them. So then he looks like a chipmunk and then out comes cashew and almonds everywhere. It's really really awesome. And by really, really awesome I mean the exact opposite. Just so we are clear.

But here he is, in all his glory, climbing through the toilet paper (our trip to Costco was very glamorous):

2) We tried out this new arm workout the other night. I kid you not - it is 7:56 minutes but it makes you want to die. It's so great. My arms already feel stronger. And since Tracy Anderson trains all the stars - I pretty much am going to have Gwyneth Paltrow's arms by tomorrow:

3) I am kind of loving/hating my running workout right now. The other day - I worked so hard that I bled (not really - but it looks like it so I'm going with it):

4) And finally - I'm loving Hipster Greg


Sarah Culp said...

Jacob use to do the same thing with peanuts. So annoying. But Henry is one cute dude. So cute.

Momoko Photography said...
