Sunday, August 4, 2013

Reading Round-up (8-1)

This is what happens when you go on a cruise and you have a baby that takes good afternoon naps - you read your face off. At least that's what I did.

Granted, I didn't read all of these on the cruise. And some I did listen to (I know, I know Toddcat, "listening to books" doesn't count in your world - but it does in mine). Anyway. Back to my reviews:

My favorite book of the month - ooooh that's a hard one - I would probably have to say "Salt Sugar Fat" by Michael Moss. So interesting. I cannot go to the grocery store and look at it the same. I keep thinking of the "bliss point" whenever I'm eating anything packaged and then I start thinking . . . "why am I eating some prepackaged food?" Oh because it is so convenient. But after learning about lunchables I've decided that that is the devil incarnate. Ugh.

My least favorite book of the month? Austenland by Shannon Hale. Total total turkey. But I will still see the movie (I hope).

Other notables? Benjamin Franklin's book is overrated (in my book) and I really did enjoy the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Getting Things Done - now if only I could implement them all.

Real reviews on Goodreads.

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