Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Anniversary - to us!

Oh hello blog. I forgot that you existed for a good chunk of time there. Whoops. Well not really, forgot, more like I got busy and decided that if something was going to give - it was going to be my incessant blog posting. But now . . . now . . . we're back. And back with a bang.

Today is our eight year wedding anniversary. 8! EIGHT! Ocho! How did this happen? It seems like just yesterday we were having the (awkward) discussion where I suggested that I not change my last name. That's how I knew I had found a keeper - he told me he didn't mind.

Yesterday, for fun, we decided to wear our wedding attire to church. Yes, I looked ridiculous - or rather - there I was a lot more dressed up than usual. The best part is when Henry and I went to nursery and I crawled around on the floor desperate to pick up all the play-dough. But I survived - and so did the dress. And really - these quick pics in between sacrament and Sunday School were totally worth it.

First off, a romantic moment between just the two of us:

Second, a classic pose - for good measure:

Third, a family picture:
(sure, my face is hidden - but Henry's face is too cute - so I'll take one for the team)

And finally, just a classic bum shot:

Here's to infinity years and beyond. I kind of won the lottery with both my boys.


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary, you too! Love the pictures and that you wore your wedding wear to church! I'm sad I missed that. #sniffsniff #Imaworldaway #yesijustusedhashtagsonablog

ToddCat said...

Felize anniversario de ocho anos!* It seems like only yesterday we were all honeymooning in Spain living it up, or in Ross' case, hearding cats. I wish I was there to take you both (and Henry) for a celebratory meal at the local Chili's.

*Spellcheck is a real jerk (and possibly a little racist) when you try to type in Spanish. It tells you that you are wrong every syllable along the way and I don't need that kind of judgment.

Shana said...

Happy day. Kinda think you guys are pretty picture perfect.

emlizalmo said...

I really, really love you two. Actually you three. four, if we count Todd. Happy Anniversary! I LOVE that you wore your dress yesterday and that you took your "good" camera. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy anniversary you two!! Shoot, bummed I missed seeing you on Sunday. So cool you wore your dress, which I love. Henry is adorable. Congrats. :)


Alissa said...

You guys are so freaking cute. Glad I know you both.

Mindy said...

Ya'll look picture perfect! I'm kind of jealous that you still fit into your wedding attire! You go girl! Don't let this child-rearing stuff affect your waistline, sunshine! I need you close-by to resurrect the cyclist in me. Alas...I'll never win out over Greg & Henry...nor should I. Why does the world have to be such a big place? Miss ya. Happy infinity & beyond!

Unknown said...

Nice Family,May God keep you both happy together .