Monday, July 15, 2013

Henry's Loves (7-5)

Just to document - Mr. Henry is loving. LOVING. a few things lately.

1) This box:

 Who knew? But really, a box with a handle is pretty much better than sliced bread.

2) Henry LOVES his new forward facing car seat. LOVES it. See - this is a happy kid . . .

3) Henry loves the wonderful world of trampoline jumping. This is him - recovering from one of his thousands of falls walking around on that crazy jumpy thing:

But you know what Henry doesn't love? Apparently he doesn't love when Greg and I start singing in the car. Case in point:
Rude. Just plain rude. (I really wish I was kidding - but nope - we were singing and we turned around this was his response).


ToddCat said...

Oh, Henry. I feel your pain. Or at least I did when I visited over the 4th. I'll send you some ear plugs and it'll all be fine.

Kristin said...

that is awesome. He cracks me up.