Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the love bus

There must be something in the air. We are starting to notice that our UTA Express Bus (aka "the chariot") is a great place to meet people. Who knew? Just last night we watched a couple step off the bus and he walked her to her car and they . . . get this . . . EXCHANGED DIGITS! It was thrilling to watch. This morning we watched as a couple met on the bus and began reading his scriptures as they shared them across the aisle. Thank goodness some people exited on the next stop and they were able to then sit together. We watched as they both held the book. We stared to see if they were holding hands. Inconclusive. But we did notice that sometimes their fingers touched. While people watching Greg quietly sang to the tune of "The Love Boat" (you know the amazing television show starring Gavin McLeod that my brother and sister-in-law recently rented some episodes of at the library . . . and I watched) - "The Love Bus . . something exciting and new - come aboard - we're expecting you." Thrilling.


Abby said...

Wow -- love really is in the air in Provo. You can find it anywhere -- even (or evidently especially) on the bus. I love it. I think you and Ross should become the Love Bus matchmakers. You could spend the rides to and from work trying to hook people up -- that would make the time go faster. OR! you could be the UTA's version of the "Kiss Cam" and go around pointing out people who are together -- or getting together -- and making everyone on the bus clap for them.

Lily said...

So true. Further proof: my visiting teacher met her now-husband riding on the love bus from Sandy to Provo every day. Good thing you two ride together.

Naomi said...

I need to get myself a seat on that bus.

Heidi said...

I must share the fact that my sister met her husband on the UTA. She assures me is wasn't dorky. We thought she was unique, but I guess not. We still laugh at her though, it's just one step ahead from meeting your mate at The Bay.

Anonymous said...

Nice observational skills during your bus ride. I'm curious though, Kitty. Why did you fail to mention this during the time Ross was still in Chicago and you were riding the bus solo...or should I say...as a single woman? Perhaps because you were reading another man's scriptures??? I hope not. I will give you the same talk I gave Lindy about remembering who you are and what you stand for.

I do like the idea of the two of you being bus ride matchmakers. Kitty, you would be like cruise director Julie on the Love Boat. I'd say Ross would be like bartender Isaac, but his matchmaking skills had more to do with the booze and that just won't fly in Utah. Thus, Ross will be like Gopher, the ship's pursor. I'm not sure what that job entails, but Ross would be really good at it.

Finally, I'm wondering if you have noticed more hook-ups on the way to or on the way from Provo. Please crunch the numbers and report back.

Lindy said...

It's a shame your happily married, because that really takes some of the excitement out of the ride for you.

Sarah Culp said...

love this. but really, are you surprsied? its Utah!! your "mate" could be lurking behind every corner! ;)
(is that how you spell lurking?)

Mojo said...

I hate the word mate by the way. It can only be used if you are from England or you're a pirate and it ends with ie.

Karyn said...

That is why there are two seats on each side of the aisle... better for coupling.
Public trans is so exciting in Provo!

Anonymous said...

I also find the term mate distasteful. I prefer to say long-time companion.