Monday, October 20, 2008

I've given up . . . obviously

When I was first married about two weeks into our marriage we set one of our family rules - no leaving the house in sweats. I was unaware of how important this was to Greg until he told me that leaving the house in sweats is akin to just announcing to the world that "you have given up in life." Well, this announcement was made loud and clear by me on Saturday when I found myself trapped at the Las Vegas airport for about five hours. Why? Because I walked around that nothing to do airport with crocs on. Sure, my feet felt okay but honestly - I looked ridiculous. I knew I looked like I had given up in life but at this point of the week I just couldn't muster the courage to care. (It had been a looooooong week at a conference that ranged from interesting to the exact opposite of that - erring on the side of not interesting for about 2/3 of the time).

Back to the crocs - some of you may think that these are acceptable out of the house shoes. They are not. Unless you are either a) trapped in the Vegas airport for an absurd period of time or b)you really have just given up. Otherwise - my opinion is now public - crocs are not meant for anything more than comfortable house shoes.


Anonymous said...

You are right on this one- Crocs are not meant for wearing in public, not even if you are in the airport for 5 hours. I don't understand how it is that so many people out there don't see jut how hidious these shoes are. They are completely ridiculous looking so unless you are 3, you should not be wearing them outside your house. I'm even against wearing them in the house, but whatever freaky things you want to do behind closed doors is your beeswax.

Also, what are you talking about with the Vegas airport having nothing to do? There's loads of entertainment. The airport has the loosest slots in town.

Greg said...

I think we can safely give a free pass to health care professionals with the crocs. From what I understand, the blood just wipes right off. So my thought is they are OK to wear out of the house, as long as you also are wearing scrubs.

Also, have you seen my Birkenstocks? I got some awesome new argyle socks this weekend and I need a forum to display them while at the BY.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could wear your argyles and birks with your man-pris.

Lily said...

I agree with the 3-year-old and scrubs exceptions. The "trapped in the Vegas airport" exception is iffy, but since you were on official cougar business, I suppose it should be granted. What drives me nuts is that crocs come in subdued browns and blacks, like they're not going to stick out like the sore thumbs they are. (I assume your crocs are a bright pink or green or something.)

Kris Tina said...

Oh of course - bright blue - there was no denying it - I had on crocs.

Lindy said...

I must be the voice of dissent--I am not a girl who is against going out of the house in yesterday's makeup and sweatpants. Granted, I've never given Crocs a shot because my mother tried to force them on me years ago when some man is some weird pilates class she was taking was selling them out of the trunk of his car, but I still do not object to comfort. Really ever. I don't go as far as my little sister who will literally get out of bed, keep her same sleeping pony tail in, grab her pillow and get on the plane, but come on folks--why can't I wear sweats to the grocery store! It's a good thing I married Ryan and not Ross, because that union would have ended long ago. And yes, Ryan does wear basketball shorts to school occassionally. We aren't very sophisticated I suppose.

Abby said...

Oh I completely agree with your Croc analysis and, although I cringe from the mental image, I have to concede that crocs are acceptable long-layover attire. Airports are such uncomfortable places by nature that I am willing to forgive almost any fashion faux pas that would contribute to one's comfort.

Kris Tina said...

Oh toddcat - you are such a fool - I played the slots the first hour but they weren't the loosest slots in town. I lost the shirt off my back, or rather I lost my more respectable shoes - that's why I had on the crocs.

Anonymous said...

I am completely mortified that Lindy and Abby are condoning crocs and sweats in public. I don't even know what to say when you start talking nonsense like this. However, I feel I must question what Lindy has been doing that she awakes with yesterday’s makeup on and must go out in public. This sounds a lot like what we have referred to since college as the "walk of shame" that some less moralistic people would be forced to do to get home in the morning after a night of immodest behavior. Lindy, all I can say is remember who you are and what you stand for.

Lindy said...

It's so nice to have Toddcat help me remember my values--that's true friendship.

Robbie said...

Random connection: so my school gave the whole staff crocs in our school colors at the beginning of the year. So, they are like "house/school" shoes now for us. Its suddenly acceptable to wear them while teaching and walking around and such at school. I just wear them in my classroom (my second home, apparently).

Christina said...

I got the kids some organge ones and they look adorable. But they are under 4 feet tall. We are missing a pair, now, and I am so sad. How do we just lose stuff like that? I think they are also ok on the way to yoga. Hey did you see my post about the mix tape I found? I thought it might grab your attention.

Cydnee said...

Hey Peem (I hope that four-letter nickname is still considered O.K., considering it wasn't on your official "acceptable name" list). I'm not a croc owner but I just wanted to say "hi"...I'm trying to jump back into the blogospher...

Anonymous said...

Dear Christina,

We all feel for you loss of a croc, but more importantly, we all need to know what songs were on that mixed tape.

Mojo said...

Unless you are pregnant and can't bend over to put on shoes. Even then I was pushing it. Josh and I hate the whole, I'm-in-college-so-I-can-wear-pajamas-wherever-I-want-style. I'm sure you get to see plenty o' that at the Y.

Anonymous said...

Well if wearing pjs to campus is acceptable I think Ross should start wearing his shorty robe to work.