Tuesday, July 9, 2013

movie reviews (7-3)

This holiday weekend we were "gifted" with probably one of the best gifts of all time - a recent round-up of popular Lifetime movies. With the Toddcat in town - we had our nights jam packed.

I must admit - it was hard to reign in the excitement and even more difficult to choose which one to watch first. But we managed. We started with something that we knew relatively nothing about - "The Craigslist Killer." There were no A-list celebrities in this one (I'm looking at you Rob Lowe, Hayden Pannetierre (or however you spell it), Marcia Gay Harden, and Lindsay Lohan). But even without a celebrity this was a compelling story of some medical school student that while engaged to someone who is, apparently perfect, decides he needs more excitement in his life (other than his apparent gambling addiction) and starts using Craigslist to find some "romance." Well, one thing leads to another and he kills someone. Whoops.  There are a lot of unanswered questions in this - why did he do it? why did he hate his parents? why did the camera go in and out of focus when he meets his fiance's parents for the first time? We just don't know - but I did wikipedia the whole incident later and determined that we still don't know the answers to these things.

Next up? "Amanda Knox". Did she kill her roommate or not? This movie had all the hopes of being awesome (you know, since it starred the girl of "Save The Cheerleader, Save The World" fame) but really it was duller than dull. While these dvd's allowed us to watch each movie commercial free - oh man the movie was so boring I could have used some good commercial interruptions. I have so many questions - motive? Why did Amanda think her Italian boyfriend was cute? (Trust me, he wasn't). How come her divorced parents got along so well? Why did her stepfather all of the sudden show up and where was her dad? See - it made zero sense. But really - I think she did it.

And finally - "Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secrets". This one - um - we haven't yet finished. Because we don't have tv we live in a relative cocoon and so I failed to understand or even follow what all the hype was about with her recent murder trial. But I do know this - the movie is pretty trashy, Jodi Arias is pretty trashy, and the guy she killed did not seem to be a very good example of being a Mormon.

And just so we are clear and just so no one is concerned - ALL these movies were watched after Henry was in bed. But when he found out we watched them without him - this was his reaction:


ToddCat said...

Kitty, it's like we watched completely different movies while staring at the same screen. Let me break it down for you.

How could you say there were no celebrities in The Craigslist Killer? Billy Baldwin was the detective who cracked the case wide open. It doesn't get any more A-list than that. What really happend was this: a guy with a wicked gambling problem lured strange women via Craigslist with the promise of "romance", but instead of that he just robbed them. One fought back and he shot her with the gun he bought with a fake ID and it all went down hill from there. Until the gambling, theft, and murdering he seemed like a great guy. The moral of the story is: don't judge a book by the cover.

Amanda Knox, on the other hand, you knew was guilty from the start. She liked to party and nothing was going to stand in the way of that. What I liked most about this boring film was that it didn't burden itself with motives or logic. A girl ended up dead, a bunch of people told different lies about where they were, and poor Amanda got the blame. The moral of this story: don't party in Italy if your British roommate is just going to get herself murdered and ruin the good times.

Jodi Arias and her Dirty Little Secret taught me a lot about your culture, Kitty. Even though we only watched half of this one it was pretty clear that Jodi was a little on the clingy side and her Mormon boyfriend (a title he denied) was oblivious to the max. I assume her secret was that she killed him in a jealous rage, because that's where things seemed to be headed and this is, after all, a Lifetime TV movie. Ther moral: a man won't by the cow if he gets the milk for free. Also, don't tick off said cow or she might just kill you.

I hope the fine readers of this blog have learn as much from these movies as we have.

ToddCat said...

PS- I can't believe you didn't even mention how I schooled both you and Anna in that epic hand stand/ cart wheel competition.

Kris Tina said...

Toddcat - you probably should have written the review. But all in all - this was quality time well-spent. Well spent indeed. P.S. I am IMDB'ing Meredith Baxter Birney right now.

ToddCat said...

I think our Lifetime movie watching helped things a lot. We should probably do a Lifetime Achievement Post detailing all the fine dramatic work from MBB's illustrious career.