Monday, June 6, 2011

what? we have a blog?

So we have been a little MIA lately. At least blog MIA for us. (I mean let's face it some people haven't blogged in years - we aren't those kind of people - not that I'm judging - I'm just saying).

Anyway - we're back from the trek. We survived. I had a much much cuter outfit than this one but I didn't want to wear it on the day that we were supposed to push those handcarts through the mud. So instead, I opted with this gingham number. (A HUGE shout out goes to my MIL, Laurie, she had trek clothes and let me borrow them and it was one less thing that I had to worry about making my life much easier).

And a shout-out to Miss Tara for taking this picture that I poached from facebook.

You know, I couldn't help but think that it is a little odd that we get all dressed up in pioneer garb, load up handcarts and then push them around for a few days in a big figure eight. But it was fun. There's a lot of pressure to be good Ma's and Pa's on this thing. So I tried really hard to be just like Amy Poehler in "Mean Girls" where I wasn't a "regular mom" but a "cool mom." I kind of failed - but that's probably a good thing.

With the trek being over with . . . our responsibilities are kaput - our summer can officially begin. Who wants to invite us over for a bbq? Or you can come over to our house - totally. Our house is probably a little messy but we'll just throw everything  in a room and shut the door and pretend like it is clean. Just for you.


Rachel said...

What I think is funny is that "we" (I use we but really mean everybody else! I've never done a trek in my life.) make handcarts the norm for these things...when, in reality, only, like, 10 percent of the pioneers actually used handcarts. They should have you making covered wagons instead. :) That would REALLY simplify your life, wouldn't it? ;)

Lily said...

You guys look awesome! I'm sure ANY pioneer ma and pa wearing sunglasses was automatically deemed cool back in those days.

Together We Can said...

Wahoo for it being summer! I have actually been thinking for some time that we need to get together and reconnect. I will talk with my husband and see what we can arrange. It will be great to see you again.

Naomi said...

Yeah, Mormons are weird.

Naomi said...

Yeah, Mormons are weird.

emlizalmo said...

I like BBQ's.

Shana said...

You guys look great!! I know that you were the coolest Ma and Pa. I mean with Ross' KIA abilities and your quick wit I am sure that your campfire was the hottest place in the settlement!

Tara said...

Lets have a big BBQ for sure. You two looked great. I will send more pics. but feel free to poach anytime:)

London said...

I think we need to have a BBQ AND exchange white elephants. Yep, I'm game.

ToddCat said...

I agree with Naomi 100%!

AprilA said...

I agree with London 100%. HA! :)

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