Monday, October 27, 2008

quick question?

Halloween is notoriously the time when girls/ladies are allowed to dress up in naughty attire under the guise of "it's a costume." What do you dress up like when you are stifled by the BYU modesty code? Why, a disney princess, of course. I just saw about five of them (and no, they weren't as a group). Cool. Real original.


Karyn said...

I think I was something modest (and cheap... as in inexpensive) from the DI during my BYU days... 80's girl or something. I guess kids are going all out these days with real, recognizable, licensed costumes.

Anonymous said...

BYU is a little like Disneyland anyway. Had all the magic there for me.

Abby said...

Well, I hope you've seen at least a few Prince Charming's today, too, or those poor Disney princesses are going to so disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Carrie, you made me throw up in my mouth with your magical BYU nonsense. That place is more like Stepford with the robot wives....except the Stepford robots were probably allowed to have more fun than the BYU princesses with all their rules. BYU is never going to make the list of Top 10 Party Schools with that attitude.

ldsppd said...

I think we should go to the "Howl." I have a leotard that I am dying to wear in public.

Anonymous said...

Todd--I don't know why, but I have the feeling you are not making this observation based on personal experience time you've spent on campus. You need to come to the BY for a conference or something and then maybe your argument will hold some water.