Friday, August 15, 2008

Geek Night

Tonight there will be a lot of eye-rolling from Kris Tina as I head out to watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars in theaters tonight. At least I’m not making her go with me. This is only fair since she didn't make me see Mamma Mia! with her the other night. Granted, Clone Wars didn't exactly get good reviews, but that doesn't matter when all you wanted for your birthday were Star Wars sheets (didn't happen for me - just like last year when I wanted the Chewbacca backpack and struck out). I'm just excited to be seeing it.

The key to going to a movie like this is to not set high expectations. It is the key to going to any movie, really.That's why I can go something like Malibu's Most Wanted and be entertained. I'm not looking for a masterpiece, I just want to have fun for a couple of hours and tonight, I'm going to have some geek fun.


Kris Tina said...

I am eye-rolling right now as I read this post. And please, you make your life sound so sad when really all I am doing is protecting you - where would you wear that Chewbacca backpack? To church - where we would really not make any friends - as far as the sheets are concerned . . . don't even get me started. You had a great birthday - I made you a cake? What more could you ask for?

Abby said...

You go, Ross. Embrace the geekdom. (I have to say, though, that choosing an iffy Star Wars movie over the Men's 100-meter Butterfly Finals seems a little, well, un-American. Now if it were the next Harry Potter (which evidently we're going to have wait 8 extra months for .... what?!), I might be more understanding.)

Lindy said...

I'll have you know that just today Ryan said to me, "I wonder who in the world is going to see that." Well, now we know! It's probably not a very good movie for picking up chicks, though.

jaacen said...


Emmalee and I went to see The Clone Wars tonight, and we had a blast. It is a kids movie, that happens to take place in the Star Wars universe.

While Em and I don't have the Chewbacca backpack, she sports the Yoda version to the park, to family gatherings and occasionally to the movies.

I know it isn't fair G, but guys with kids have all the fun.

Anonymous said...

I seriously like that approach to movies. If you keep your expectations very low, you will never be disappointed and sometimes you might even be surprised. Hmmm, this explains a lot of your movie reviews to me.

Christina said...

Let me share a little experience that I had with KrisTina there in the Windy City long long ago. We drive downtown, park a billion miles away from the movie theater and walk (T-in cute but not comfy sandals) forever to see some Jedi movie. I don't know which one because I was just going for the company. Well, it was quite the geek fest. T was the hot item there. Karl went and got the car and since it was so far away, it took FOREVER. This guy in this awesome sleeveless shirt totally hits on T and since we were waiting for Karl all we could do is just awkwardly stand there.

Kris Tina said...

I think the best part of this story is the fact that I actually went to a Star Wars movie - well it was good company and I kind of can't help but remember it because hello we go to AMC21 all the time now.