Monday, October 29, 2007

Another Monday

For some reason today at work I was so tired that I was sorely tempted to do this. I didn't--I mean it is pretty gross. But it would have been a) private, b) quiet, c) my phone wouldn't ring, d) I wouldn't feel bad not working, and the most important of all . . . e) my boss couldn't see me.


Todd said...

Kitty, I know you would never do this. In fact, I find it implausible that you would ever use a public restroom at all knowing that there are no toilet lids to close to ease your irrational fear of the dreaded poo cloud.

Lindy said...

Everyone knows you can't even pee if there is anyone else in the bathroom, even if there are 90 stalls. Also, are you beginning to wonder how some people survive 50 years in the working world?

Todd said...

Also, I did not post this picture so I am clearly not to blame for the Carlklef Chronicles lack of high-brow status.

Kris Tina said...

Just because I have a bashful bladder gives you no right to criticize me. Also have I ever told you about how my parents made us take a vacation in an RV and I didn't use the RV bathroom once? I totally refused to. It made for a long long road trip.

Lindy said...

I had no idea! Also, though, wouldn't you rather use the RV bathroom than the truck stop bathroom? I mean, think it through!

Kris Tina said...

I was young and immature--I didn't realize that truck stop bathrooms were that disgusting. I mean look at Britney Spears--she still uses them . . . and in her bare feet. Wait a second--why is Britney my pattern for anything in life?

Todd said...

A lot of people were dressed as Britney Spears from various stages of her crazy life this Halloween and if that doesn't make someone a good role model I don't know what does.