I recently read the book "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen. Hmmm. . . I just started this blog entry as if I was writing a fourth grade book report. Well I must admit there is a problem--I have blogger's block. I was hoping that by doing a simple post such as this would break it up. Well I did recently read this book and it was quite good. Just an interesting story. So interesting, in fact, that I read it in about two days. I then "encouraged" Ross to read it and he read it in about three days. Who knew the circus life could be so interesting? Although if I could choose a job I would love to be an acrobat or a trapeze artist or a member of cirque de soleil. Now that would be awesome.
We so need to go to trapeze school. I'm not kidding either. This summer we are doing it and I'm not accepting any excuses to chicken out.
Oh, and I also read the book and highly recommend it. Kitty, we need to start our own book club where, like Oprah, we tell the world what to read. We will be wildly popular for our awesome book selections.
I would never chicken out of trapeze school. If someone would come and visit it would make it a lot easier to attend.
Excellent second recommendation. We practically are the new white oprah's!
So do you actually own this book, If you are willing to lend, I am going to need a good beach read next weekend. Ummm. If you trust me with it on the beach, then you can say at least something you own went to the beach this summer, even if you didn't get to. Just kidding, if you didn't have such a stinking demanding job, You are a good person for working so hard, I wish I could be like you.
Shana, Read this book and then you can go to trapeze school with us.
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