Saturday, June 23, 2007

This is just wrong

Someone should tell Malt-o-Meal that the name of their new cereal means something very different than I think what was intended. Does it mean if I eat this cereal I will get a muffin top?

And no, Todd, this is not a picture of me.


Todd said...

I've been looking for a delicious new cereal called Coin Slot. I'm guessing it would be a chocolate flavored cereal.

Abby said...

Todd, you are gross.

And so is that cereal.

Anonymous said...

For all those who care: I would just like to clear the name of the Stadium of Fire committee. Krissi is right it's all about when "we come to America". One year as a dancer at Stadium of Fire we danced to that famous Neil Diamond song, but just the tape. He never came. Either he's expensively a rip-off or he's too old to travel. You be the judge! -Haylee