Yesterday afternoon my office received an e-mail that the bridge and street next to our office would be closed from 5:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Why? Well apparently they are shooting the next "Batman" movie right there (at least for today). That's right so when I need a little break I look out my window and look down and see a team of army vehicles, some tanks, and every once in awhile a helicopter hovers near my window. I'm thinking about going down and asking for some autographs but I don't want to get mobbed by my own fans.
Kitty, Why are you not starring in that movie? Or at least an extra? Who is playing Batman? Have you seen any A-list celebs yet? You should be hanging out with the movie crew to get all the inside scoop.
We had that happen once, We ended standing outside only to see a whole lot of nothing, I wish you better luck. (I think I am bitter because the temp was -10 degrees that day)
You should get on your awesome bike and ride through like you belong there. Make yourself an extra
Shana! She can't ride her bike around flaunting that she has one. That would be throwing salt in the wound Ross has suffered having had his own bike stolen.
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