Friday, December 23, 2011

Season's Greetings!

My love of receiving Christmas cards runs deep - real deep. While Henry doesn't get out much in the cold weather I have still managed to make sure that we get to the mailbox everyday to pick up our cards. Psychologically I wonder what that says about me. . .  but whatever - this has been a banner year for us:

While we have received a lot of great cards - this year I have to give the best Christmas/Holiday card of the year award to . . . drumroll please . . . the Toddcat:

Don't worry to all you others - better luck next year . . . 

Oh and Henry says, "Monkeys are awesome!"


Lindy said...

I love Henry! I just wish that I was loving him in real life. And Todd's dogs are the picture of responsibility.

Carl said...

A bit disappointed that I didn't win the card award, though I didn't know it was a competition. I need to think of something crazy for next year. ;) Just glad to see us among all that awesomeness.
Oh...and Henry/ it!

Rachel said...

I'm seeing now that I posted as "Carl." Oops.

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