Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I missed the bus . . . and that is something that I'll never ever ever do again

Because the beloved Subaru is not as young as she used to be, and my new job has resulted in somewhat of a paycut (but increase in happiness level, i know) and we want to save the environment (or at least not use so much gas) I have decided that it isn't that big of deal to take the bus to work. I mean in Chicago you use mass transit all the time. Why should it be any different here? (Well it isn't as convenient, but whatever).

Unfortunately, this morning, I watched the 817 bus pull out. Without me. Ugh. So much for my cost/Subaru saving measures. The good side? I got to work really really really early. I guess that means I can leave early. In fact, I should be leaving right about now.


Lindy said...

You should just jog to work--you could eat 7,000 calories a day and with a 80 mile job you still wouldn't put on a pound.

Kris Tina said...

Good idea. I could be just like Michael Phelps.

Shana said...

Moving back to Utah is like moving back in time. I mean, just look at that bus, nothing like the "el" trains here. It is probably the same age as the the sube!

Christina said...

Are you quoting ABC?