Because the beloved Subaru is not as young as she used to be, and my new job has resulted in somewhat of a paycut (but increase in happiness level, i know) and we want to save the environment (or at least not use so much gas) I have decided that it isn't that big of deal to take the bus to work. I mean in Chicago you use mass transit all the time. Why should it be any different here? (Well it isn't as convenient, but whatever).
Unfortunately, this morning, I watched the 817 bus pull out. Without me. Ugh. So much for my cost/Subaru saving measures. The good side? I got to work really really really early. I guess that means I can leave early. In fact, I should be leaving right about now.
You should just jog to work--you could eat 7,000 calories a day and with a 80 mile job you still wouldn't put on a pound.
Good idea. I could be just like Michael Phelps.
Moving back to Utah is like moving back in time. I mean, just look at that bus, nothing like the "el" trains here. It is probably the same age as the the sube!
Are you quoting ABC?
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