Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Workhorse Returns!

Lucky for me I have a great Pops who saw that Delta was offering a discount fare provided you travel on certain days, at certain times and are flexible for whatever the airline might throw at you. He decided to send his wife (the workhorse) for a visit (apparently all of Todd's comments about the dusty apartment really got to him and he thought we needed some help). Well, we did. Here is a picture of the Workhorse doing what she does best. Sweeping! Needless to say (and not just because she made our floor so clean we could eat off it) I already miss her. Terribly.
Come back soon!

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I'm so glad to know that other moms also run a tight ship. You're mom is the best sweeper ever! Even better than Todd's precious wetjet.