I am late with my gratitude postings. I'm sure you all have been waiting with baited breath. Don't worry, I still am grateful for things. It's just that the past few days have been busy. Today, to mix things up I decided to take some pictures of some everyday items that make me feel grateful.
The electric broom. My mother is great at sweeping. She loves to sweep. In fact, if she is talking on the phone I bet she is also sweeping (and she is talking on the phone a lot). I, on the other hand, do not love to sweep. It's just not really my thing. Growing up I never had to sweep (see above as to why). So I am so grateful that my friends, the pinks, (my sweet friends who don't blog and don't comment) gave me this broom. I love it. Especially with hardwood floors.
Mascara. I have the lightest eyelashes in the world. Thanks to my friend, Lanni, who recommended this mascara--I put on two coats and wallah--I look alive.
The quietest dishwasher. I have lived in an apartment with a dishwasher--I much prefer having a dishwasher. I have also lived in an apartment with an extremely loud dishwasher (the kind of dishwasher that makes you shout to have a conversation). Finally, in our third place-we have the best of both worlds--a dishwasher that is quiet. (To really appreciate the quiet-ness of this appliance you have to recognize how loud our first dishwasher was. . . really loud).
If you think that electric broom is special you need to get your hands on a Swiffer. It is the best thing since sliced bread. And if you like the Swiffer for sweeping floors you will LOVE the Pledge Wand. It makes dusting fun. Try it and you will be hooked like me.
I'll admit that I've never tried the Swiffer, but I have been tempted. I mean, the people who use them on the commericials always seem to be having so much fun. What I really want to use these days is a carpet cleaner--perhaps a Bissel, but not one of those ones you rent from Albertsons, because they have no turning radius.
First things first-Todd I am SO TIRED of you telling me how awesome that pledge wand is. I get it, you love it. But you probably love it because you have ridiculous amounts of dust in your home. So I might as well tell you the truth-the reason we left your house so quickly after arriving was simply the fact that it was so dust ridden Ross couldn't handle it. He is so sensitive that way.
Lindy-my sister is recommending that you get an Oreck steamer. I recommend this also. Because my mom has an Oreck vacuum and I am extremely jealous of it-it is pretty much the best present we have ever given the work horse.
KT--thanks so much for the recommendation. I always get jealous when I see someone with a super high-powered suctiony vacuum. I really love to vacuum and when the floor is ultra clean I am ultra happy.
Oh Kitty, you are so full of it. If Ross has a sensitive dust condition you must be trying to kill him. (Please refer comments made on previous blog posts regarding the ridiculous amounts of dust in your home that turned my white socks black.) I am getting you a Swiffer and Pledge Wand for Christmas because you desperately need them both. Don't even bother to argue with me because you know I'm right. You know it.
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