Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It doesn't take much . . .

So this evening in the midst of running around like crazy people--I had to work and Greg was finally putting together the final file cabinet (see post below) Mr. Danklef felt like it was an appropriate time to take a break and watch the middle of the movie, "Just Friends." There I am slaving away and all of the sudden I notice that I don't hear a thing besides the television. No sound of the drill, no sound of moving furniture just the loud guffawing laugh of my husband. I mean the movie is alright but if you listen to Greg it is apparently the most hilarious movie the world has ever known.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I just want to set the record straight that it was Kris Tina who was watching TV while I was drilling holes into the wall. Then she walked away to "work" while leaving the movie going. How can I resist the hockey scene? I submit that I cannot. She may as well have taken a gambling addict to Las Vegas. She knows the physical comedy is like crack to me . . . I cannot resist the laughter.