Friday, August 10, 2007

A chink in the tv armor

So last night we broke down and bought a tv for our bedroom. We were at Costco and just decided to go for it. I need more sleep than Ross and sometimes I can convince him to use his laptop and watch a movie in bed with me. I then proceed to drift off to sleep and Ross's penchant for staying up late is satisfied . . . but we still get to be together. Lately, however, this little set-up has lost its charm. I mean can you blame Ross for not liking watching a movie on his laptop balanced on the lapdesk which is balanced on his lap? I really can't. So last night we inaugurated the new tv by watching some episodes of Arrested Development. I feel strangely guilty about the purchase but the guilt was buried while watching Gob run a tight ship at the Bluth Company, well really it was a gaming ship.

1 comment:

Shana said...

If your new TV looks like that one in the picture I want to come over and watch.