Thursday, July 19, 2007

Chicago is turning into Gotham

So I was walking by a parking lot during lunch today and I saw that there is a new sheriff in town. They are filming the new Batman movie here and there are trailers all over the place. I was lucky enough to see this police car and get a couple of photos. I looked around for the batmobile, but no luck . . . yet. I'll have to do some more scouting and see if we can make a real celebrity sighting.


Lindy said...

KTC--Please slip yourself into a scene from the movie. If you need inspriation, think about how I was at the Rangers game while they filmed part of the Rookie during the seventh inning stretch. If you pause the scene and search the crowd with a magnifying glass you should be able to spot me.

Abby said...

Lindy's right--and I think that this would be the perfect time to utilize your tap skill. I've got it! Knit yourself a scarf and a hat, dress in rags, and dance on the sidewalk or in the subway with the hat out to collect quarters. This one extra role could be your ticket into the movie world, the fashion world, and Broadway!

Greg said...

Lets just be clear here that it was I, Ross that found these cars and not KTC. She is working away in her legal pergatory while I am roaming the streets free to look for Batman cars. But I will try and get in the movie so don't worry.