Monday, June 4, 2007

The Money Pit

Home ownership is wonderful. Except when things don't work the way they are supposed to work. For instance, lets say that you live in a warm, humid climate and your 24-year-old air conditioning system decides it doesn't want to work anymore. It's a blast! How much will that cost to replace again? I guess Kris Tina will be going without lunches for the next three months so we can sleep in a cool house at night. A small sacrifice if you ask me. So far we have replaced the windows in our apartment, several light bulbs, a whole bunch of junk left over from Design on a Dime (yes our apartment has been on TV) and now the air conditioner. You know it's bad when the Polish repair guy recognizes my voice as soon as I call. "Yes Greg?" Luckily he is a very nice man. Even with all the repairs (which I prefer to call upgrades), we still love our new place. I suppose I'll have to post some pictures soon. Maybe once we paint, and add something to the walls, and . . . .

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