Thursday, May 31, 2007

Go Jazz

So maybe we were kind of fair weather fans this year. In all fairness we live in Chicago and for some reason they love to show Bulls games on tv but not the Jazz. However, while we were tending our hearts out over Memorial Day Ross got the privilege of attending one of the western conference finals games with my dad. My dad (a season ticket holder for forever---i.e. even when the Jazz played in the Salt Palace) tricked Ross into thinking they had the up high seats. But when the two got to the former Delta Center now EnviroCare or whatever it is called they had the down low seats. It was Ross's first ever playoff game and he got to see it close. I think the best part for him, however, was the free t-shirt. Here's a picture of Ross looking sad because the Jazz lost to the Spurs. Oh well. Better luck next year. I guess. (I admit it--I'm not that into it).

1 comment:

Shana said...

I hope you all know I am a true Jazz fan and am jealous of such an experience. And.. I am glad there are all these posts for me to comment on, because let's be honest, selling paper gets real boring during the day. I am a little chagrinned that I am not allowed to leave anonymous comments, you know if I could I would. This blog is STRICT!!